WRF (weather research-forecast) model
in 2017 I have stopped this service after almost 10 years! In 2008 I was the first amateur in Europe (maybe worldwide) running his own professional weather forecast system.
It is the latest numerical program model by the
National Weather Service.
WRF is a mesoscale
model that is used for research purpose and for operational purpose ("Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model"or NMM).
Versions of the NMM run at various national weather service offices, universities in the United States, private meteorological organisations.
Each day I run WRF v3.1 under Fedora 10 64-bit (quad core CPU) for Austria.
Forecast for Austria (4 km grid resolution, 45 atmosphere levels), Time in UTC,
model topography
for each district capital in Austria:
Wien Graz
Salzburg Innsbruck
- Amstetten Bad Aussee Bad Radkersburg Baden
Bludenz Braunau Bruck/Leitha
- Bruck/Mur Deutschlandsberg Dornbirn Eferding
Feldbach Feldkirch Feldkirchen
Freistadt Fürstenfeld Gänserndorf Gmünd
Gmunden Grieskirchen Gröbming Güssing
- Hallein
Hartberg Hermagor Hollabrunn Horn
Imst Jennersdorf Judenburg
Kirchdorf Kitzbühel Knittelfeld Korneuburg
Krems Kufstein Landeck Leibnitz
Leoben Lienz Liezen Lilienfeld Mattersburg
Melk Mistelbach Mödling Murau
- Mürzzuschlag
Neunkirchen Neusiedl Oberpullendorf
Oberwart Perg Reutte Ried
Rohrbach Rust St.Johann St.Veit Schärding
Scheibbs Schwaz Spittal Steyr
- Tamsweg
Tulln Villach Vöcklabruck Voitsberg
Völkermarkt Waidhofen/Thaya
Waidhofen/Ybbs Weiz Wels Wr.Neustadt
Wolfsberg Zell am See Zwettl
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