10 GHz transverter
Click on image, download and extract my Excel sheet "Link budget v2.1" to calculate microwave links up to 1000 GHz. Calculation of atmospheric attenuation (ITU-R P.676-12) is included.
1. Offset dish and tripod with pan/tilt mount
Same design as for my 76 GHz transverter and pan/tilt head.
2. Cylindrical horn
It isn't optimized for my offset dish, the dish is over-illuminated.
3. Transverter
1st solution:I got a used "Simple 10 GHz transverter" designed by DB6NT from Rudi (OE5VRL). It is a design from 1990 but it fulfills my requirements, enough for line-of-sight path
or as IF interface for my 47 GHz transverter.
Noise figure : 2-3 dB
Output power : 12-13 mW
Input LO power : 10 mW at 2.556 GHz
Power supply: 12 V
Current consumption: 85 mA @Rx, 125 mA @Tx
Transverter with 2.5 GHz oscillator and 106.5 MHz TCXO.
2nd solution:
It is a F6BVA 10 GHz transverter kit for an IF of 432 MHz.
Noise figure : 1 dB
Output power : 10 mW
Input LO power : 10 mW at 2.484 GHz
Power supply: 12 V
The PLL for the F6BVA transverter is a ready finished 2484 MHz PLL made by Dieter DF9NP.
3rd solution: It's my preferred solution
I got a semi-assembled MKU10-G3 PCB board (only SMD part were soldered). I made both cavity resonator myself and IF is 144 MHz.
Noise figure : 1.2 dB
Output power : 250 mW
External reference : 106.5 MHz / 1 mW (or internal temp. stabalized OCXO)
Power supply: 12 V
Transverter with 4 W power amplifier, Tx/Rx relais and sequencer.
4th solution:
OK1FPC has a transverter that is similar to MKU10-G3.
4. Preamplifier
I got a preamplifier from OE5VRL. It is a DB6NT/DF9LN design with a NF = 0.9 dB and gain = 23 dB.
5. Power Amplifier
It is a 200 mW power amplifier designed by DB6NT.
I used some copper flags to push output power from 100 to 220 mW.
Input power = 5-10 dBm
I use a 10.4 GHz PA made by Dirk Fischer DK2FD with max. 4.4 W output (Pin = 250mW) for the MKU10-G3 transverter.
6. LO module
For my DB6NT "simple transverter" I use a 106.50 MHz OCXO (DF9LN design) with a 2.5 GHz oscillator (DF9LN/DC8SE design) to get 2556 MHz.
106.50 MHz OCXO:
Output power: 0 dBm
Power supply: 8-24 V
Current consumption: 40 mW (700 mA after switch on)
2.556 GHz oscillator:
Output power: 10 mW
Power supply: 9-15 V
Current consumption: 80 mW
7. IF receiver/transmitter
Therefore I use my modified IC-705 to switch the transverter into TxOut mode.
8. Accu Pack
I use a 12V LiFePO accu with 10Ah because of its light weight, only 1.4 kg.